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Sunday, November 21, 2010

IMPRESSION ABOUT ESTONIA-Эстони улсын тухай сэтгэгдэл:

Friday 14 august 2009 5 14 /08 /2009 10:41


I would like to write my impression about Estonia during my period in the Artist In Residence program in Estonia for 3 months(or I have an idea to write my impression about countries after finishing of my every project in abroad).Estonia were was very small country(46000 sq.km) with small population(1.3 million)and people were was very helpfull and friendly with smiling and greetings!.They told me like"Good painter coming from Mongolia the land of Chinghis Khaan(they very know about Mongolia and Chinghis Khaan!)and painting about Tallinn/Estonia".I would like to say my thanks to Estonians and my friends at Kultuuritehas Polymer(Martin,Ernest,Claire,Eric Alalooga,Sandra and also Peke Elloranta who are photographer from Finland living and working in Tallinn.He very helped to keep my heavy painting equipments like portable easel,oil paints,canvas and portable chair for painting and to put oil paints and brushes in his photo studio.I were lived some far from downtown centre and I paint most my paintings at downtown centre or Old Town or Vanalinn and also I paint most my paintings in very windy,cool and cold weather condition.It was very difficult to bring these heavy painting equipments everyday to downtown for painting on foot).I had memorable good time in Kultuuritehas Polymer.Tallinn was beautiful with ancient castles,houses and churches and green and clean street and WC and organizations/companies but,drivers of car(luxury and expensive western and Japanese cars),bicycle and motocycle were was very fast driving and giving "real road show"like racing competition in the very short and small road of Tallinn!.I was very afraid that if these"road show givers"had technical problem when fast driving then may kill many people!.Also,They dont let the place to people at the road(or they dont respect the people when walking at the road of the street.Also they dont give a signal to people at road). Tallinn seems to me like some cool and windy place or it depend from sea near Tallinn or Estonia situated in the north side of the world or climate change.I think that Estonia is main gate of foreign tourists to Scandinavia because,in Tallinn street can be meet with many foreign tourists .There was no many policeman(police stations),military people and prostitutes in Tallinn street but,you can meet with many police and military people in Ulaanbaatar!.I got membership card from national and central library because,outside internet cafe price were was very expensive like Euro 3 per hour(I can use internet cafe in Mongolia only for US cent 30 for one hour!).Also,products and services cost were was very expensive and street and companies/organizations names or signes were was only in Estonian and some in Russian so, Estonia seems to me like half Russian state or the Republic of Estonia and Russia(or United States/Kingdom/Federal Republic of Estonia and Russia)!.Also,all information about products and services cost were was only in Estonian and Russian.I couldnt find  TOEFL,IELTS,CAMBRIDGE exam preperation material from above 2 libraries.When I asked these materials from assistants/co-ordinaters of these libraries then they were was suprised!.But,services at these two libraries were was in high level and building size of the National Library was very large(but the size of Central Library of Mongolia is very small).I bought mini FM receiver for EEK 30(KRONE:EEK 15=1 EURO)from Jaam Turg(Market at station)to listen to VOA,BBC music programs and latest news unfortunately,there was no wave for these broadcasting services!.All waves were was only in Estonian and Russian at FM receiver(I can listen to all these broadcasting services in Mongolia!).Also,I couldnt find major world newspapers,magazines and books in English and other major foreign languages(deutsch,espanola,francaise).There was many number of(Russians have the right to live in other foreign countries but)Russians in Estonia like drinking(Russians were was drinking at Moscow and Tallinn train terminal),using drug,collecting used bottles and can,asking money from people(its very difficult to walk in the Tallinn street for foreign travelers!).Russians were was "Boss of Estonia"(but now Estonians is the"BOSS"in their country)in the communist time but they are living now in Estonia like"Trash can"and stealing  something and having a toilet in the street and dont allow to people quite to walk in the street or they were was very crued.Russians were was very aggressive to me in Tallinn.Two Russian show me lighter and saw at street and told me"I will burn your beard"(I have got long beard and hair),"Kill you"and also one Russian salesman at Kesk Turg(Central market) told me that"You illegal person come to Estonia and say I painting about Estonia"(everyday I bring with me a easel,oil paint)and said bad many words(threatening) and also wants to fight me.I address to administration office, security guard of this market and also police unfortunately,they couldnt protect my right and police told me that"Its better you can go out from market"!.I saw 2 young girl(teenager) were having a toilet at Tamsaare Park(the park situated in the centre of Tallinn) trees!.I wants to tell about it to police but,there was no police near this park and I gone to Viru street(the street near this park) and told to policeman but he didnt said anything(he was local russian policeman).Also I saw two young guy stealing backpack from one young man at Tamsaare Park and I told it police and police arrest them.Russians call me like"Osama,Saddam"because,I have long beard and hair.I gave my money to driver of tram to buy tram ticket.I forgotton to get my ticket from driver to put into ticket stamper.At this time bus stopped at tram station and also ticket controler asked me to show paid ticket.i said them"I bought my ticket unfortunately,I forgotton to get my ticket from driver and to put into ticket stamper".I asked my ticket from driver and she said"I put your ticket in money box(there are small box near driver to put ticket and small changes).So,controler said me"You didnt paid your tram ticket and we will punish you for EEK 600"but,one Russian(he looks like poor or street man were collecting bottles or cans for his living)seating near of me got my ticket and put into ticket stamper and controler arrest him.Students were organized students show at Tamsaare Park unfortunately,they had organized lottery for one pack(20 bottles) of beer and they all were was drunk!.I asked from old person"Why young people or students organizing lottery for pack of beer" and he told me that"Estonians very like to drink beer"!.So,I were was supprised.I think that  its better to organize lottery for one good selling book because,them need education and not beer!.I asked from Estonians in Tallinn"Why in Estonia living(also,drinking,stealing etc)many number of Rusiians"and they told me that"We living with Russians".I dont understand Estonian government policy.Estonians is only one million(in Estonia living 300000 thousand Russians)but,Russians is 200 million!.Estonians say"high unemployment rate are in Estonia"but many good business places occupied by the Russians like shopping centres,art galleries etc.Also,I supprised that there are no was circus in Estonia!.So I told my suggestion to Ministry of Culture of Estonia that I can help to establish circus with State Circus of Mongolia unfortunately I have not received any reply from this ministry.I think that LAUGH and JOY very need to Estonians.In Mongolia first circus were established in 1939 and our circus artists is very famous in the world arena.It  has become contortion art from Mongolia!.Recently,our contortionist got certificate from Guinnes World Record were she participated in the "Britains Got Talent"(she is now studying law in UK university).Visitors at this competition were"shocked"her contortion show.I took some photo pictures through single use camera in Estonia unfortunately,I couldnt to put these pictures into my blog because,needed JPEG resolution taken from digital camera.
GOODBYE EESTI(ESTONIA) and HELLO!................................(the name of country for my next project)!

Эстони улсын тухай сэтгэгдэл
Эстони улс нь Балтийн тэнгисийн эрэгт байрладаг 46000 х.д.км газар нутагтай 1,3 сая хүн амтай, нийслэл Таллин хот 1000 жилийн түүхтэй ба 450000 хүн амтай, гудамж талбай нь маш цэвэрхэн, гадаадын жуулчид ихтэй бөгөөд эртний түүх дурсгалын олон сайхан барилга байшин, цайз, зоогийí газруудтай, сайхан цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнгүүдтэй ба үзэсгэлэнтэй. Эстоничууд эелдэг сайхан ааштай тусархаг, нөхөрсөг, тайван, цэвэрч ба зам хөндлөн гарах, үйлчилгээний газаруудад үйлчлэх, д¿рэм журмыг сайн баримтлан гудамж олон нийтийн газар маргаан хэрүүл зодоон хийх бие биенээ үл хүндлэх бүдүүлэг зүйл байхгүй, үйлчилгээний төлбөр тооцоогоо зөвхөн бэлэн мөнгөний картаар төлөх тул хулгайд алдах, хаях явдал үгүй, өөрийн үндэсний мөнгөн тэмдэгт, эх хэлээ ихэд хүндэтгэх ба ханш нь маш сайн (1крон=15 евро). Олон нийтийн үйлчилгээ зар суртачилгаа ном сэтгүүл ихэнхдээ Эстони хэл дээр байна. Үндэсний болон хотын төв номын сангын байр манай “Саарал ордон”–оос том ба 30 крон төлөөд уншигчдын карт аван ном сонин унших, үнэгүй интернэтийг долоо хоногын 6 өдөр өглөө 10 цагаас орой 20 цаг хүртэл ашиглаж болох ба гадуур байдаг интэрнэт цагт маш үнэтэй 4 евро байдаг гэвч Таллинчууд бараг ихэнхи нь гэртээ компъютор, нөүтбүүктэй тул номын сангын интернэт болон гадуур буй интернэт кафе - г ашигладаггүй. Олон нийтийн үйлчилгээнүүд маш сайн барааны үнэ үнэтэй гэвч маш чанартай өргөн сонголттой Эстоны болон барууны  бараануудтай. Суурин ба цагаа÷ Оросууд хятадаас хямд чанаргүй бараа авчирч гадаадын жуулчдад өндөр үнээр зарж хуóрна. Эстонид 350 мянган суурин цагаач оросуудтай гэвч тэд хулгай хийх, архидах, хэрүүл маргаан, зодоон гуйлга гуйх хог түүх гэх мэт бүх л муу муухай зүйлийг хийнэ. Эстоничууд гайгүй сайн амьдрах  ба 600-1000 еврогын цалин авна гэхдээ ажилгүйдлийн асуудал байдаг буюу гадаадын оюутнуудад ажил олдохгүй. Барилга башингын дизайн сайн, маш цэвэрхэн ба ариун цэврийн  өрөө гэхэд дээд зэрэглэлийн зочид буудлынх шиг. Эстоничууд шар айраг, жимсний дарсанд дуртай, халамцуу хүмүүс гудамжинд тааралдана гэхдээ хэрүүл маргаан зодоон хийхгүй хоорондоо эвтэй найрсаг амьдарч хуулийг дээдэлнэ. Цагдаа баривчилж эрүүлжүүлж хүний эрхийг зөрчих бүдүүлэг зүйл байхгүй ба хүний хувийн эрх чөлөөт байдлыг хүндэлнэ. Гудамжинд цагдаа цэргийн харуул эргүүл гэх мэт сүрдүүлж айлган эмээлгэх зүйл үгүй ба хааяа машинтай хотын эргүүл явна. Биеэ худалдах мэт зүйл байхгүй энэ нь хуулиар хориотой. Эстоничууд бага газар нутагтай цөөн хүн амтай боловч “толгой томтой”(улс болон иргэний бодлого сайн) хүмүүс харин Монголчууд маш том газар нутагтай цөөн хүн амтай боловч “жижиг толгой” - той õүмүүс болжээ гэж бодогдсон. Би эх орон түүх ёс заншлаараа бахархдаг гэвч одоогийн Монголд болж буй муу муухай зүйлийг бодохоор ичмээр, аймаар. Эстоничууд Монгол, Чингис хааны тухай маш сайн мэдэх тул би их баярлаж бахархдаг байсан. Харин надаас одоогийн Монголд болж буй байдлыг асуух вий гэхээс ихэд ичиж айдаг байв. Коммунизм, ардчилал Монголд хэрэггүй хүн бүр нийгмийн идэвхи гаргаж үтэр түргэн иДЭЛХИЙГ  ТОЙРОХ  УРАН ЗУРГИЙН  АЯЛАЛргэний шудрага нийгмийг байгуулж хөгжиж дэвшиж эрх чөлөөтэй амьдарцгаая гэж уриалмаар байна.

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